Tuesday 25 December 2012

Hello, readers! I can't believe that 2012 is already coming to an end!

A year has passed and I'm so glad that 2012 is ending real soon because 2012 is a year of utter bullshit. This year was filled with tons of criticisms, heaps of negativity and its truly an eye opening year. It had showed me who was genuine and who we was putting up a damn good show.

Everyday, I surround myself with negative people and they won't stop pointing out my flaws. I live my life trying to be perfect and flawless, I live my life trying to satisfy another person's wants instead of mine's and yet, they still demand more from me.

Then there was this point of my life where I had no one. Everyone I knew were a bunch of mean freaks. They won't stop complaining about my imperfection. All they did was throw insults at me. I tried to stay as strong as possible but the critics made me hate myself. I looked at myself differently too. For months, I didn't feel happy. Its even difficult to take in when its coming from the ones you love the most. I had no strength to carry on. Then I'd thought, if I don't find the strength now, I'll be stuck with this depression forever. I have to go through the worst time in life to get the best.

 Whatever I do or say there will always be this one particular person telling me that I can't. Having negative thoughts will change my entire perspective of life. Nobody's perfect. It takes infinite years to master the perfection of oneself. There's no point trying to be perfect when people judge no matter what.We all live in a world where everyone judge. Its a lie if they say they don't.

In conclusion, this world is filled with judgmental people. Over time you will realize that some people aren't worth it anymore. Let go of those who bring you down and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you. Things happen for a reason, they happen to teach you something. We cannot learn without experiencing the pain. People change, friends leave, nothing lasts forever but life goes on. Never give up and dream big. If I hadn't get back on my feet, I wouldn't get this far.

Thank you everybody who have made me feel so special and appreciated!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I'm definitely looking forward to 2013!
Don't forget to order too! 

Love you all! xx